dinsdag 8 maart 2016

Feeling it

Some time ago I wanted to buy a collar for myself, a nice sturdy leather collar with a ring for a leash. Out of curiosity, and a twinge of hope that one day i would need a play collar, and because it looked so pretty..
So I went into the petshop where i go every week, and hiding a bit behind the cabinets fitted and measured various dogcollars.
Then, from over my shoulder, the shoplady asked: For what kind of dog is it?
I startled and blushed, not even thinking of making up an excuse i mumbled: well hm.. it is not for a dog... She looked at me, grinned and said: Lets go look in the catalogue :D
One week later it had arrived, with matching leash, and i posted a pic here with me wearing it.. I wore it then and never again...
And then last week.. sitting on my knees, Him rummiging in my suitcase, whistling and going ooh and hm interesting.. He pulled out the collar and put it on me, tighter then i thought it was and told me: now you are Dressed. And i felt it. I needed nothing more.
Before He left he asked me if i would wear the collar during the night, loving the idea of me dressing for Him.
So I did, and the next night and the next. When I walk into my bedroom i see it waiting on my pillow.
When i put it on i am aware of Him.
When i wake up in the night and feel it, I am aware of Him
When i get up in the morning i wait a while before taking it off, because it connects me to Him.
It is the collar I bought for myself, but I wear it for Him.
It is not the collar I wear, it is the awareness I feel because of it.
I am aware.
and I am really really feeling it