woensdag 27 november 2013


The pleasure of pain

For weeks already, I wrestled with myself, not understanding how I would ever get to like pain, which seemed necessary for a D/s relationship...
What was it, that subs want to be hurt, and Doms like to hurt the ones they claim to love so much?
I just couldn’t get it working in that brain of mine...

Again a click, an insight that lifted a weight of my shoulders, the heaviest so far...
It is not about being hurt, or about hurting...
It is about willingness to endure, how much will I be able to give, to give up...
It must be amazing for a Dom to see, what a sub will do to please him, to surrender..
It is not the actual pain that pleases, but the submission , that is shown in a way that is incomparable to anything else...

And so I finally understand the connection between pleasure and pain, and am curious, yes eager even, to find out my willingness and ability to submit...

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